Academic / research papers in English
Sacchanand, C. (2018, August 9).Transforming the roles of libraries and librarian in the digital learning environment. In Jeyaraj, W. J.; Santharooban, S & Ravikumar, M. N. Eds. Re-engineering libraries to align with transitioning educational & technological paradigm, pp.1-6. Keynote paper presented at theInternational Symposium on Emerging Trends in Education and Library & information Science (LibSym 2018) (233 p.). Sri Lanka: Eastern University.
Sacchanand, C. (2018, August 18). Collaboration and networking for open library and open education. In Wipanwin, N. & Smith, T. J. Eds. The 1st international conference on library and information science : From library open to open society. iCOO2018, pp.17-25. Nonthaburi: Sukhotahi Thammathirat open University.
Sacchanand, C. (2017, January 10). Development of Internationalization of Library and Information Science Programs in Thailand. In Education for Change, pp.39-47. The IAFOR ( International Conference on Education ) Hawaii Confernece Series 2017.Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi Retrieved from
Sacchanand, C. (2016, August 13-19). Development of Management Strategies for Collaboration in Information Science Education and Research in the ASEAN Community. Paper presented at IFLA Sections for Education and Training (SET), Library Theory and Research (LTR), and the Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (EDC SIG LIS Education in Developing Countries), 82 nd IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Columbus, Ohio ( United States of America).
Sacchanand , C. (2015, August 15-21). Quality assurance of Library and Information Science education in the ASEAN countries: Moving towards regionalization and Internationalization. Paper presented at IFLA for Education and Training Section (SET) Library Theory and Research (LTR), and the Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group (EDC SIG), 79th IFLA General Conference, Cape Town, South Africa). Retrieved from en.pdf
Sacchanand, C. (2014). Online learning in Library and Information Science in ASEAN countries.In The future of LIS education in developing countries: The road ahead. Hague: International of Library Associations and Institutions – IFLA.
Sacchanand , C. (2012, August 11-17). Building collaboration between Library and Information Science educators and practitioners in Thailand: Transcending barriers and creating opportunities. Paper presented at LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group, 78th IFLA General Conference, Helsinki (Finland). Retrieved from
Sacchanand, C. (2011). Strategies and network model to enhance the roles of distance education in library and information science in Asia and Oceania in creating the Information literate people and region. In Emerging Trends and Technologies in Library and Information Services (pp. 214 -217). New delhi: KBD Publication.
Sacchanand, C. (2011, August 13 -18). Developing strategies to create information literate Thai students. Paper presented at the .Asia and Oceania Section, 77th IFLA General Conference , San Juan (Puerto Rico). Retrieved from oceania- section. oceania-section.
Sacchanand, C. (2011, February 14-16 ). E-training as a new frontier for librarians and information professionals’ continuing professional development: An experience of Thailand. Paper presented at the International Conference on Digital Libraries and Knowledge Organization. Jointly Organized by the Management Development Institute, Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC) and INDEST- AICTE Consortium , New Delhi (India).
Sacchanand, C., Gaikwang, K. & Lumsakul, M.(2011). A synthesis of living library knowledge in the form of a Knowledge Park. In Proceedings Thailand conference on reading 2011 (pp. 180 – 208). Bangkok: Thailand Knowledge Park (TK park).
Sacchanand, C. (2009). Educational roles of academic librarians : A case of the distance education doctoral degree program, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand. In Globalizing academic libraries vision 2020: International conference on academic libraries, ( Part I, pp. 180 – 186). Delhi: Mittal Publications New Delhi (India) in association with Delhi University Library University System, University of Delhi.
Sacchanand, C. (2008, August 16-21). Putting the learners into e-learning: An experience of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University ( STOU),Thailand. Paper presented at the E-learning section, IFLA 74th, Quebec (Canada). 16-21 August 2008. Retrieved from
Sacchanand, C. ( 2008, April 22). Thai Library Association in the time of change. Paper presented at the 2nd Meeting of CONSAL XIV Executive Board, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
Sacchanand, C. ( 2007, April). Status of librarianship in Thailand. Paper presented to the 1st Meeting of CONSAL XIV Executive Board , Hanoi (Vietnam).
Sacchanand, C. (2006, September 22-24). Local information via distance education. Paper presented at the International meeting on local information management network: assessment of the initial efforts toward greater resource sharing among local information management network members in Southeast Asia. Sirindhorn Isan Information Center, Academic Resource Center , MSU and the Toyota Foundation, Mahasarakarm (Thailand).
Sacchanand, C. (2006, March 27). Professional education for librarians and information professionals in ASEAN countries via distance education: A proposed regional operation. Paper presented at CONSAL XIII (Congress of Southeast
Asian Librarians), Manila ( Philippines).
Sacchanand, C. & Jaroenpuntaruk, V. (2006). Development of a web-based self-training package for information retrieval using the distance education approach. Electronic Library, 24 (4), 501 – 516.
Sacchanand, C. (2005). Web-based instruction in library and information science in Thailand. In Sofia 2004: Libraries, globalization, and cooperation : Paper from the international conference . Bulgaria: University of Sofia.
Sacchanand, C. (2004, November 22-24). Librarians as faculty in the new learning environment. Paper presented at Asian library and information conference libraries- Gateways to information and knowledge in the digital age. ALIC 2004. Bangkok, (Thailand).
Sacchanand, C. & Jaroenpuntaruk, V. (2004). The development of self-training package for information retrieval using distance education approach. Nonthaburi: STOU. (Funded by Advancement of Librarianship in the Third World Programme, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions – IFLA).
Sacchanand, C. (2003). Distance librarianship. Bangkok: Society of Library and Information Science Faculty, Thai Library Association.
Sacchanand, C. ( 2003, November 12-14). Collaborative partnerships in providing library and information services to distance students in higher education. Paper presented at the 17th Asian Association of Open Universities ( AAOU) Annual Conference “ Networking and Partnership for Strengthening Collaboration in Open and Distance Education. Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Nonthaburi (Thailand ).
Sacchanand, C. (2003, March 20-22). New roles and competencies for distance education librarians in the changing environment. In Challenges and opportunities for library and information professionals in knowledge management and the digital age: Session papers. Paper presented at the International Conference Asia – Pacific Chiangmai University, Chiangmai (Thailand ).
Sacchanand, C. (2002, August 18-24.) Information literacy instruction to distance students in higher education: librarians’ key role. Paper presented at Regional Section on Asia and Oceania 68th IFLA General Conference, Glasglow (U.K.). Retrieved from
Sacchanand, C. (2000). Providing library and information services to distance learners in higher education: Challenges and strategies. Information Technology. 11 (Fall): 11-12, 17-18.
Sacchanand, C. (2000, August 13-18). From theory to practice : A case of research in library and information science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand. Paper presented at Research and Theory Section, Division of Education and Research, 66th IFLA Council and Conference, Jerusalem (Israel). Retrieved theory -section.
Sacchanand, C. (2000, August 13-18 ). Workplace learning for information professionals in a changing information environment. Paper presented at the Continuing Professional Education Section, Division of Education and Research, 66th IFLA Council and Conference, Jerusalem (Israel). Retrieved from professional education -section
Sacchanand, C. (1999). Distance education in library and information science in Asia and the Pacific region. IFLA Journal, 25(2), 97-100.
Sacchanand, C. (1999, December 15 ). Learning for the new century. Paper presented at the Fifth UNESCO-ACEID International Conference “Reforming Learning Curriculum and Pedagogy: Innovative Visions for the New Century. Education Congress Challenges in the New Millennium. Bangkok (Thailand).
Sacchanand, C. (1999, October 18). Library and information services for distance learners in higher education. Paper presented at the Distance Education Workshop for Higher Officials from Nepal Organized by STOU and sponsored by UNICEF.
Sacchanand, C. ( 1999, March 26-29). Faculty – librarians collaboration/ partnership in distance education higher institutions. Paper presented at the first SEAMO.
Sacchanand, C. (1998). Library networks for distance education : A case study of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University in Thailand. Asian Libraries 7(10), 274-279.
Sacchanand, C. (1998, August 16-21). Distance education in library and information science in Asia- Pacific. Paper presented at the Regional Section: Asia and Oceania,64th IFLA General Conference, Amsterdam( Netherland). Retrieved from and ocenia -section
Sacchanand, C. (1998, October 24-26). A multi-media distance education approach to teaching information science: Thailand’s experience. in The Use of New Information Technologies in Developing Countries. (pp.B38-B51). Hong Kong, 1988. (Paper presented at the 10 FID/CAO Congress and General Assembly, Beijing, Republic of China).
Sacchanand, C. (1997). Information science via the distance education system: Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU)’s Experience. in Report of the consultative meeting and workshop planning human resource development for information societies,” (pp.96-106). Nonthaburi: STOU and UNESCO Bangkok.
Sacchanand, C. (1997). Motivations and needs of students in Information Science Programs: Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), A case study. in Library and information science in Thailand : Essays in honor of Professor Suthilak Ambhanwong, (pp.30-39). Bangkok: Department of Library Science, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.
Sacchanand, C. (1997). Professional communication amongst library and information professionals in Thailand. Resource Sharing & Information Networks, 13 (1), 95-100.
Sacchanand, C. (1997, September 1-6). Library networks for distance education : A case study of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) Thailand. Presented at 63rd IFLA Conference, Copenhegen (Denmark).
Sacchanand, C., Roepreecha, B. & Siriwongworawat, S. (1997). Quality services in library. country report : Thailand. In ASEAN- COCI seminar quality service in libraries: Management training programme for senior librarians , (pp.198-211). Singapore: National Library Board.
Sacchanand, C. (1996). The Information Science Programs of the School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), Thailand. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 37( 2), 191-196.
Sacchanand, C. (1995, August 21-26). Professional communication amongst library and information professional in Thailand : Thai Library Association (TLA) and Its role. Paper presented to the Poster Session, 61st IFLA Conference, Istanbul (Turkey).
Sacchanand, C. (1993). STOU faces the information age. Astinfo Newsletter , 8 (3), 6-7.
Sacchanand, C. (1993, May 18-23). The motivations and needs of students studying Information Science programs at the School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) Thailand. Paper presented at the international symposium on the “Development of theory and practice of library and information science.” Wuhan, Republic of China, Central China Normal University.
Sacchanand, C. (1991). Library education and training for the new challenges in library and information services. in Proceedings of the eight congress of Southeast Asian Librarians library service in the developing world,” (pp.301-304). Jarkata: National Library of Indonesia and Indonesian Library Association.
Sacchanand, C. (1989, November 29-30). The Information Science programs of the School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. Paper presented to the seminar on education and training for library and information personnel COCI-Project: 6th Intra-ASEAN Cultural Programme Exchange of ASEAN Librarians Thailand.
Sacchanand, C. (1983). Training programs of Library Associations in the Philippines. Journal of Philippines Librarianship, 7(1), 11-25.
Academic/research papers in Thai ผลงานทางวิชาการภาษาไทย
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